Автор Тема: Please, send me your offer !!!  (Прочитано 14893 раз)

Оффлайн vassilij

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Please, send me your offer !!!
« : 01 Октября 2010, 04:49:40 »
Hi everyone,
I have just found your forum and I would like to ask you, if you could send me your offer of talers or ducats or even other coins, especially Habsburg from Bohemia, Hungary, Austria and also Neufürsten.
Thanks alot.
Please, send it on my mail:

Оффлайн Троглодит

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Re: Please, send me your offer !!!
« Ответ #1 : 01 Октября 2010, 13:39:35 »
Hello! Unfortunately, export of rare coins from Russia is forbidden. We can buy coins in Europe but we can't send them in other countries. Therefore I think that the majority of collectors will disagree on your offer. Alexander.

Оффлайн vassilij

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Re: Please, send me your offer !!!
« Ответ #2 : 01 Октября 2010, 15:20:58 »
To Alexander:
Thank you very much for answer. I know about this law and probably every country has the same, but nobody keeps it. Anyway, if anybody had a very interesting coin, I could ask my friend in Moscow to pick it up. So do not worry, you will not have to ship it abroad.

Оффлайн Dr.Munzen

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Re: Please, send me your offer !!!
« Ответ #3 : 01 Октября 2010, 16:00:41 »
To Alexander:
Thank you very much for answer. I know about this law and probably every country has the same, but nobody keeps it. Anyway, if anybody had a very interesting coin, I could ask my friend in Moscow to pick it up. So do not worry, you will not have to ship it abroad.
Check your personal messages, I have answered with an offer. Pls let me know.
A friend in Moscow is the best variant.

Оффлайн Троглодит

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Re: Please, send me your offer !!!
« Ответ #4 : 01 Октября 2010, 17:14:32 »
Док, у вас хороший английский

You can see my coins and medals here - http://www.forum.talers.ru/index.php?topic=382.0 (1 medal + 2 coins). I can send any of them to your friend in Moscow (I hope, he speaks Russian). Where are you from, vassilij?


